It´s essential to do something I believe, that´s meaningful for me and other people´s lives. With a profound dedication, my services are a combination of extensive clinical expertise with organizational and academic life.
Whether you are seeking personal growth, consultancy, mentoring, professional development, lecturer or a speaker to an event, I will offer a wealth of knowledge and a compassionate approach, tailored to your journey.
years experience worldwide
Lived in
4 countries
Speak 4 languages
Português (língua materna) Français (avancé) English (advanced) Español (básico)
years experience worldwide
Lived in
4 countries
Speak 4  languages
Português(língua materna) Français (avancé) English (advanced) Español (básico)
• PUC-MG, Psychology (2005-2009) • ULHT, Master’s degree, Forensics Psychology and Social Exclusion (2012 – 2015) • ISCTE – PhD Candidate, Advanced Postgraduate Diploma, Social and Organizational Psychology (2016-2019) • FMSP, Specialization in Psychology and Mental Health (Lato-Sensu), Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology (2022-2023) • SSBM, Doctorate in Business Administration (2022 -2024) • FLNC, Specialization in Psychopathology (Lato-Sensu), Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology (2024-2026)